How to share WhatsApp notifications?

How to share WhatsApp notifications?

We have launched the Share WhatsApp notification feature which allows you to share WhatsApp notifications for milestones done in the system same as emails being sent for milestones.

On clicking the Share Notification, the system will automatically redirect to the WhatsApp web into the relevant browser showing the contact name pop-up box on the screen to which person OR group the notification has to be shared. Select the appropriate name and click on the “Send” Icon

Below is the list of notification messages which can be shared through WhatsApp:

  1. Customer Order Creation
  2. Booking Confirmation
  3. Pickup Reminder
  4. Pickup Confirmation
  5. Carting Confirmation
  6. Booking Cancellation
  7. HBL Draft
  8. HBL Final Release
  9. MBL Final Release

Customer Order Creation - While creating the customer booking order, select the “Send Notifications” checkbox and save the order. Then the system will open up a notification drawer where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

Booking Confirmation - While confirming the booking order against the customer booking order, select the “Send Booking Confirmation” checkbox option. The system will open an email drawer with the email and email preview options, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

Pickup Reminder - On clicking on the share option of the Pickup reminder to the customer, the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

Pickup Confirmation -After adding the container details, select the “Send Pickup Confirmation” option,  the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

Carting Confirmation - While adding the carting details, select the “Send Carting Confirmation” option, the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

Booking Cancellation - While canceling the customer booking order before container pickup, select the “Send Cancel Booking Confirmation” option, the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

HBL Draft - In the draft HBL edit screen select the “HBL Draft Approval” under the Share option, the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

HBL Final Release -After releasing the HBL, on selecting the Share option the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

MBL Draft - In the draft HBL edit screen select the “SI Draft To Shipping Line” OR “SI Draft To Customer '' under the Share option, the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share.

MBL Final Release - While marking MBL as given to the customer, the system will open a preview drawer, where in need to click on the “Send Notification” button to share

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