Making Payment For a Cash Expense
Making Payment For a Cash Expense
How to reimburse your employee for a cash expense Shubham PachoriCase on case basis reimbursement
In case where an employee has already paid for expense claim you can may reimburse the employee by making a payment en have been recored you can make payment entry for that expense claim by going to Make menu and Select Payment
When you will click on Payment, payment entry form will open with all the details of employee and expense claim as reference for allocation filled up.
If you are reimbursing the employee in cash you have to select Mode of Payment as Cash, and Select Cash Account in Account Paid From
If you are reimbursing the employee by direct bank account transfer select Mode of Payment as NEFT/RTGS/Cheque and select the bank account of the company from which it is being transferred
Weekly Reimbursements
If you reimburse an employee for all the expenses done in a week, fortnight or a month, you can directly go to payment entry form.
Select payment type as pay, Party Type as Employee and in Party select the name of the employee
In reference section click on fetch outstanding vouchers to get all expense claims which have not been paid yet, allocate the amount and submit the entry
Once you submit the entry system an marks the expense as paid against the employee account entry and makes entry in Cash or Bank Account as selected by you
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