Settling Advance Paid To an Employee Against a Cash Expense
Settling Advance Paid To an Employee Against a Cash Expense
How to settle advance paid to an employee against an expense claim Shubham PachoriIn case you pay employee advances for the cash expense they may do at port of operations, you can settle off these advances paid against the expense claim.
Let's say for example I have paid 2,050 at starting of week to an employee. Over the week he will submit the expense claims which will be recorded in the system.
To settle of all these expense claims, against the advance paid to employee goto Payment Reconciliation Tool.
Select Employee in Party Type, select Name of Employee in Party. In Receivable / Payable account select Employee Payables Account. Then click on Get Unreconciled Entries. It will show all the employee advances paid which are not allocated yet and all expenses claim which are not paid yet
Got to the advance which you want to use for allocation and in invoice number column select the expense claim you want to settle off and then click on reconcile
Amount from the advance paid to employee will get allocated to that expense claim and it will be marked as paid.
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